Thursday, April 23, 2009

Swishing Oil in the Mouth an Ancient Remedy?

In my fervent research to find natural cures for an ailment I just discovered I have, I came across an interesting healing technique I had never heard of - Oil Pulling.

It seems almost deceptively simple; first thing in the morning, you swish a tablespoon of either sesame, safflower or virgin coconut oil in your mouth for 10 to 15 min.

Testimonials range from teeth becoming harder and whiter to eradication of cancer.

An article on states that Deepak Chopra promoted it in his book "Perfect Health" and explains that:

"oil pulling is one of many Ayurvedic techniques valuable for purifying and strengthening the body. According to Ayurveda, organ meridians are present in the tongue just as they are in key points such as the hands, feet and ears. That makes the tongue integral for diagnosis, and care of the tongue important in preventing and treating illness.
The ancient practice of oil pulling makes sense in another way. As oil is swished back and forth before being spit out, the mouth`s mucous membranes and large veins on the underside of the tongue are likely to absorb vital nutrients from the oil. Sesame oil, one of the oils traditionally recommended for this practice, has antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties".

I'm going to start trying it tomorrow morning with my beloved coconut oil and I'll let you know the results!

Here are some great links with more information:

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