I can't express in words what a big fan of anything coconut I am. Since I was a child I always loved anything with what I believed to be a natural coconut smell or taste. As I grew older and wiser and learned more about real whole foods, I discovered that what I liked when I was younger was some kind of perverted chemical version of the real thing.
Now I appreciate the real thing so much more. And today it's way beyond just an aesthetic appreciation. After I learned of all of the may uses and healing properties of even just the oil of the coconut (I won't even go into the juice or the meat), I became a true devotee.
Check out this amazing article on Natural News extolling the benefits of coconut oil http://www.naturalnews.com/025717.html The author even calls it a "The Secret Fountain of Youth"
In our house, we use it on our bodies as a moisturizer, a daily make-up remover, cooking oil, hair oil, smoothie addition. We add it to the rice cooker to improve the flavor and texture of grains and sometimes I just eat it right out of the jar!
Only buy organic, cold-processed virgin oil. My favorite and most inexpensive source is from Vitaglo.com. We buy the 16oz jar from Now vitamins for $8.80, so it doesn't have to break ya' http://www.vitaglo.com/1726.html Buy some coconut oil today and slather it on!